Buffer overflow part 1

Oh hey, welcome to the world of Buffer Overflows. Let’s embark on our journey to the world of binaries with the most basic exploits ever - Stack Overflows. We’ll learn a lot of stuff, including totally useless awesome assembly, and how binaries work :wink:

Oh I hope you know what are buffer overflows, for if you don’t head over to the Bin-Exp please.

And if you’re not familiar with assignments on this wiki, head over to what are assignments.

First things first, encounter a few tasks(totally on stack overflows), read their source codes and use your brains to get the flag :)

Task 1

Yo, here we begin with the basics, identify a buffer overflow(BOF) and find out how to get the flag.

Find the relevant files at bof1 and connect to service using netcat to at port 3333 by using command nc 3333

Enter the flag: Check Flag

Task 2

Oh, this task takes things a little further, where you have to match the exact value to get the flag :)

Find the relevant files at bof2 and connect at nc 3334

Enter the flag: Check Flag

Task 3

Here you have to worry about endianness :D

Find the relevant files at bof3 and connect at nc 3335

Enter the flag: Check Flag

Task 4

Can you alter the execution of the program to call the win function?

Find the relevant files at bof4 and connect at nc 3336

Enter the flag: Check Flag